
Pointing Out Instructions – Online Open Teaching
The inner mind rushen is traditionally given in a retreat format for those who are new to Dzogchen or “still looking for your mind.”
Because there are so many requests for this teaching, Lama Lena has agreed to make this a public teaching. It can be watched live, or at a later date. This teaching is meant to be done as a 2-day retreat, where you remain in practical silence (no social chitchat or engagement) and practice 3-4 sessions between teachings.

Naked Awareness Spontaneously Arising
The inner mind rushen is traditionally given in a retreat format for those who are new to Dzogchen or “still looking for your mind.”
Because there are so many requests for this teaching, Lama Lena has agreed to make this a public teaching. It can be watched live, or at a later date. This teaching is meant to be done as a 2-day retreat, where you remain in practical silence (no social chitchat or engagement) and practice 3-4 sessions between teachings.
This teaching was given Saturday Nov 9 – Sunday Nov 10, 2024.

Inner Mind Rushen – Public Weekend Retreat
The inner mind rushen is traditionally given in a retreat format for those who are new to Dzogchen or “still looking for your mind.”
Because there are so many requests for this teaching, Lama Lena has agreed to make this a public teaching. It can be watched live, or at a later date. This teaching is meant to be done as a 2-day retreat, where you remain in practical silence (no social chitchat or engagement) and practice 3-4 sessions between teachings.
This teaching was given Saturday Nov 9 – Sunday Nov 10, 2024.

Dzogchen & Mahamudra Teachings – Live From Barcelona (Part 3)
Lama Lena continues the teachings on Dzogchen and Mahamudra, live from Barcelona. Part 1 of this teaching had technical difficulties,

Dzogchen & Mahamudra Teachings – Live From Barcelona (Part 2)
Lama Lena goes live from Barcelona to offer teachings on Dzogchen and Mahamudra. Part 1 of this teaching had technical

Introduction to Dzogchen – Live from Kansas City – Part 3
This is the final session of Lama Lena’s introduction to Dzogchen live from Kansas City. Traditionally, dharma teachings are offered

Introduction to Dzogchen – Live from Kansas City – Part 2
Lama Lena continues her introduction to Dzogchen given in Kansas City. This is part 2 of a three-part weekend teaching.

Introduction to Dzogchen – Live from Kansas City – Part 1
Lama Lena spends the weekend giving an introduction to Dzogchen, answering questions, and beaming out pure dzogchen from the endless

Live From Knoxville – Dzogchen Weekend With Assorted Texts, Part 3
This is the final teaching in Lama Lena’s three-part weekend teachings in Knoxville, TN. Lama Lena riffs on assorted excerpts

Live from Knoxville – Dzogchen Weekend With Assorted Texts, Part 2
This is Day 2 of Lama Lena’s Dzogchen weekend in Knoxville, TN! Lama Lena riffs on assorted excerpts from her

Live From Knoxville – Dzogchen Weekend With Assorted Texts, Part 1
Lama Lena’s at it again, this time from Knoxville, TN! Lama Lena riffs on assorted excerpts from her vast library

Three Words of Garab Dorje Follow-Up
Lama Lena answers questions about the teaching on the Three Words of Garab Dorje she gave in New Orleans. Traditionally,