Q & A with Lama Lena ∙ Oct 11, 2020

by Lama Tasha Star

In this live question and answer period, Lama Lena answers questions about getting through the election, precious pills, and chöd. She also demonstrates how to offer left-over food to pretas. This teaching was streamed from Lama Lena’s home on October 11, 2020.

“Relax. Just relax. Lung is caused by a combination of strong, usually upward, flow in chi and constricted channels. If the channels aren’t constricted, it doesn’t matter where the chi goes. It’s welcome to go up and out the top. It’s when it goes through a constriction that problems arise, such as strokes, headaches, migraines…physical symptoms such as that. Mental symptoms such as nuttiness, inability to concentrate, agitation, inability to sleep. 

I recommend that you treat it as a medical illness. See a Tibetan doctor, they have excellent treatments for it. For a basic, homemade remedy, fried cheese… Greasy, fried potatoes with cheese on ‘em. Poutine with a lot of cheese curds under the gravy. That’ll do it!” 

– Lama Lena

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