Give Dana

What is dana?
In traditional Buddhist culture, dharma teachings are offered freely and students offer dana (donations) in an amount that is suitable for them. You are welcome and encouraged to offer dana generously within your ability for any retreat or online teaching you receive. You can do so here:


What is an appropriate amount for Dana?
Lama has taken a vow not to charge for her teachings and to receive voluntary dana instead.
This is, however, her sole source of income by which she sustains herself and her family in San Francisco, where even the cost of simple living is high. Though this practice is habitual in Asia, where people are accustomed to giving generously for dharma teachings, here in the West students may need a little more guidance.

If you’re wondering how much to give, please consider what you might pay for similar teachings and retreats organized by other spiritual or coaching programs. Consider also that during these teachings, Lama not only teaches but holds space, gives transmission, and responds to your emails – all of which takes significant time, effort, and energy.

Lastly, consider the rarity of these teachings and how few teachers are able to give them today, in a contemporary language, from an authentic, unbroken lineage.

Of course, all of these factors should be taken in consideration with your own income and the proportion of it you can reasonably spend on receiving Lama Lena’s valuable support and teaching. Most importantly, dana should come from the heart in a spirit of gratitude and generosity.

Dana can be offered via PayPal to Lotus Mountain Gompa, a registered non-profit by clicking below:

Thank you! 🙂