October 2023
In-person & Online teachings, retreats, & community events.
Lama Lena's Events:
Tantric Precepts Retreat
Lama Lena will be giving a 2-day teaching on the tantric precepts by registration only. To participate you:
- Must have had a formal tantric empowerment of Yoga Tantra or higher
- Must be actively practicing with that yidam
NOTE: A formal empowerment gives you the necessary teaching to practice as the yidam. Lama Lena does not give formal empowerments, so you need to have received this elsewhere, such as the recent Dorje Phurba empowerment with Garchen Rimpoche. (If you are uncertain, contact Jan at janowengmail.com)
Register here to receive the zoom link: https://forms.gle/dTjp8Y1ZCQ1gsQc46
Working with Emotions Retreat
This retreat has already been filled with registrants from the waitlist. If you'd like to join the waitlist to receive an invitation to the next scheduled Working with Emotions retreat, sign up here: https://forms.gle/PQJ4e6vFQaVCPtJb7
Wisdom Centre of Santa Cruz
This is a continuation of the text Key Points of Dzogchen Practice by Yanpa Lodey, which are pithy and direct instructions on the practice of the Great Perfection. The text includes practical instruction on recognizing the nature of mind, sky gazing practice, and more.
In this teaching, Lama Lena will provide commentary and direction on the text and answer questions about Dzogchen practice.
All are welcome to attend:
ONLINE: This teaching will be streamed on Facebook & YouTube
IN PERSON: There is limited seating and REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
Wisdom Center of Santa Cruz

= Sessions by Lama Lena

= Sessions by designated students