This is a monthly teaching series on Songs of the Eight Mahasiddhas, a Mahamudra text. Lama Lena asks that you start from the beginning and watch each prior video before tuning into the next live teaching.
The book Asta Doha Kosa (The Eight Doha Treasures) is a compilation of eight short texts. The works are ascribed to both the Indian and Tibetan siddhas, namely Saraha, Virupa, Naropa, Maitripa and others.
The term ‘Doha’ (rendered into English as ‘Couplets’ or ‘Spiritual Songs’) consist of natural and humanistic similes and metaphors that indicate the nature of Mahamudra and the method of attaining it. Every stanza is a taste of the siddha’s realization.

The English translation Lama Lena will be using can be purchased from:
Traditionally, dharma teachings are offered free of charge and students offer a donation (dana) as they are able to. If you benefited from this teaching and have the means, please offer dana through the link here: lamalenateachings.com/give-dana