Spirit Offerings & Sang: A Tibetan Tradition

by Lama Tasha Star
Spirit Offerings and Sang

Through the Tibetan tradition of spirit offerings and sang (incense smoke), we practice generosity of the body, energy, and mind by giving the very best we have to offer to all the beings that live alongside us. 

Making offerings can empower our practice by accumulating positive energy, helping to heal nature, and removing natural obstacles. Sang allows us to cultivate generosity towards all classes of beings in the Buddhist pantheon – from the buddhas and bodhisattvas to gods, demons, and hungry ghosts.

"It is by making illusory offerings through illusory practice that we can complete the gathering of illusory accumulations. Through this cause—namely the accumulation of merit—we can gain the result, which is the perfection of wisdom. Four such methods which involve very little difficulty and yet are exceptionally meaningful and beneficial are the offerings of sang, water tormas, sur, and one’s own body.

The individual who practises these regularly and diligently will gather the accumulations, purify the obscurations, and, in particular, will pacify any obstacles and factors that prevent the accomplishment of the Dharma and awakening in the present lifetime, becoming free of them like the sun emerging from the clouds.

Since they also support our progress along the path leading to the supreme attainment of Dzogpachenpo, it makes sense for us to put our energy into practising them.”


In this teaching, Lama Lena demonstrates the practices of land spirit offering and sang and discusses their outer, inner, and secret meanings. She also answers questions about the appropriate foods to offer, ritual implements to use, and more. This teaching was streamed live from Lama Lena’s home on September 12th, 2020.

Traditionally, dharma teachings are offered free of charge and students offer a donation (dana) as they are able to. If you benefited from this teaching and have the means, please offer dana through the link here: lamalenateachings.com/give-dana

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