In this live question and answer period, Lama Lena answers questions about letting go, the rainbow body, Buddhism for beginners, …
Public Talks
We tend to feel as if death will never come for us, but inevitably, it comes for the old, the…
OnlinePublic TalksRelationships, Sex, & GenderTantra & Sadhanas
How to Love Self & Other: The Dance of Daka & Dakini (The Fusion of Love & Emptiness)
Lama Lena’s 2020 European Tour has been canceled due to Covid-19, but she has been offering many of the teachings…
In this live dharma talk and question and answer period, Lama Lena talks about the natural state, karma, and the…
Lama Lena gives instructions on the practice of Tonglen, a visualization-based meditation practice that is effective for breaking the “bubble”…
BodhicittaPublic TalksTantra & SadhanasTranscribed TalksTso Pema
The 1000-Armed Chenrezig Practice & Mantra
Lama Lena gives instructions on the visualization and mantra of 1000-Armed Chenrezig (aka Avalokiteshvara), a vivid and personal meditation practice…
CaliforniaMeditation for BeginnersPublic TalksTantra & SadhanasTibetan Buddhism
How to set up a Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Altar
Lama Lena gives clear, concise instructions on how to set up and maintain a traditional Tibetan-style Buddhist altar in your…
In honor of the passing into Parinirvana of our beloved, Venerable Wangdor Rimpoche, here’s a timely talk from the…
Dharma Centre of CanadaMeditation for BeginnersPublic TalksTibetan Buddhism
The Meaning of Refuge in the Buddhist Tradition
In this short teaching, Lama Lena clearly explains the true meaning of Outer, Inner, Secret, and Ultimate refuge in the…
ChicagoEmotionsKarmaPublic TalksTantra & SadhanasTranscribed TalksTsa Lung & Energy
Healing Negative Karmic Patterns: The Practice of Vajrasattva Yab Yum
Explore the effects of thoughts and emotions on physical health and interpersonal relationships.