Lama Lena will offer this important tantra teaching via live webinar. This teaching is open to all, but registration is required. See details below.
Date: Saturday & Sunday, May 6-7
Time: 11AM PDT (both days)
- Saturday: Preparation & Empowerment
- Sunday: Teaching (You must attend Saturday to attend the Sunday teaching)
- Register Here: https://forms.gle/o6L5LdBdQTwN8YWL9
You will receive a zoom webinar invitation from Nyondo 24-72 hours before the teaching. Please check your spam/junk folder if you have signed up and have not received the invite.
For more info or help signing up, contact jan at janowenchico@gmail.com.

Traditionally, dharma teachings are offered free of charge and students offer a donation (dana) as they are able to. If you benefited from this teaching and have the means, please offer dana through the link here: lamalenateachings.com/give-dana