Lama Lena’s 2020 European Tour has been canceled due to Covid-19, but she has been offering many of the teachings live online. This is a 2-part video teaching on how to love oneself and others, called “The Dance of Daka & Dakini – The Fusion of Love & Emptiness”. It was given via livestream on May 1-2, 2020.
Part 1Part 2
DANA (GIVING): Lama Lena has a personal commitment to keep the Dharma free. All of her teachings are offered free of cost and are sustained by the generosity of students and practitioners. If you’re enjoying this free video, please consider offering dana to Lama Lena! You can do so easily online: https://lamalenateachings.com/give-dana/ 🙏❤️
You can also watch the video at: www.facebook.com/LamaLenaLive