Welcome to Lama Lena's Community!
Whether you’re new to meditation or just new around here, below you’ll find some resources to get you started.
General Dharma
Want to learn about Buddhism and Meditation? There is no "right" place to start - begin with whatever interests you and keep going! Here are some things you can try:
- Watch videos in the Teachings for New Students category
- Attend a live Q&A session via Facebook or YouTube and submit your questions in the comments.
- Watch past Q&A sessions
- Supplement talks with the Recommended Reading list below
Dzogchen teachings must come from a qualified teacher. Dzogchen is considered a direct and advanced path of meditation, so there are some risks in practicing by yourself. Please read about those risks here before beginning.
Teachings can be given in person, live video, or via recorded intro sessions:
- What is Dzogchen?: An Introduction
- The Three Words of Garab Dorje - a 3-day retreat
- The Flight of the Garuda - a year-long teaching series
- Inner Mind Rushen Weekend Retreat - Sign up for an online retreat offered several times a year
After you've watched an online teaching, you can join the monthly "Beginner Trekchö" teaching group with Lama Lena.
Dharma books are an excellent way to kickstart your journey and learn about the history, terminology, concepts, and key players in the Buddhist tradition. The list below is curated by Lama Lena, with favorites from her collection. But keep in mind that books alone aren’t enough. The oral transmission of teachings by a qualified teacher helps you to progress in your practice. So in addition to reading, make sure to attend teachings online and in person, not just from Lama Lena, but from other teachers as well – whatever interests you!
For Dzogchen: make sure to attend pointing out instructions BEFORE reading books on the subject. Lama Lena gives this in almost every online teaching!
For Tantra: Lama Lena asks that you spend time developing a foundational understanding of tantra, guru yoga, and samaya before attending tantric initiations (“wangs”) to avoid making commitments you don’t fully understand. You can learn via the books below and from recorded teachings on this site.
- When the Chocolate Runs Out by Lama Thubten Yeshe
- Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Neel
- Introduction to Tantra by Lama Thubten Yeshe
- The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects by Alexandra David-Neel
- Buddha’s Lions: The Lives of the Eighty-Four Siddhas by James b. Robinson
- Masters of Enchantment: The Lives & Legends of the Mahasiddhas by Keith Dowman
Lama Lena says: These two both give a good idea of the multiplicity of paths. They’re both based off of the same root text, with different translations and illustrations.
- Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche
Lama Lena says: “This is a classic, a bit thick reading, but great basic text for the Traditional path. Gives you all the traditional analogies you’ll need to really understand when they are referred to in more advanced and practice-specific texts.”
From there… branch out into whatever topic catches your interest. Ask Lama Lena or your sangha members (in the forum or on facebook) for more recommendations!
Join a Teaching Group
Once you've begun a daily practice, you can join one of the monthly Teaching Groups that Lama Lena hosts on Zoom. These practice-specific groups give practitioners the opportunity to interact directly with Lama Lena, ask questions, and discuss with fellow practitioners.
CHOOSING A GROUP: You can only join ONE group. Choose the group that corresponds most closely to your main practice. If you need help choosing, either write to Lama Lena or join the most relevant group and ask for guidance there. Lama Lena will help you sort it out.
FREQUENCY: Groups will rotate, occurring once every 4 weeks. Please check the calendar.
REGISTER: Please register using THIS FORM
Join the Sangha Forum
We have an active and supportive community forum full of practitioners at all levels and from all around the world. It's a supportive space where people are generous with their questions, comments and conversation! Request to join HERE

What Is This Thing Called Mind?
The Dzogchen view invites us to examine our assumptions about our mind, freshly in each moment. Can we find the “mind itself”, the thinker of thoughts, the feeler of feelings, that which is aware of this moment?

Guru Yoga: The Relationship With the Lama
Lama Lena discusses the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Guru Yoga and clears up common misconceptions about the Lama/student relationship.

What is Meditation?
Lama Lena helps clear confusion and common misconceptions, helping to break down our resistance to practice.