Tantra & Sadhanas
Regular Sadhana Practice Groups:
- 1000-Armed Chenrezig: Sundays @ 9AM PDT / 12PM EDT and Thursdays 4PM PDT / 7PM EDT with Jan O
- 21 Taras: Wednesdays @ 9AM PDT / 12PM EDT with Ani-Lama Palmo

How to set up a Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Altar
Lama Lena gives clear, concise instructions on how to set up and maintain a traditional Tibetan-style Buddhist altar in your

Healing Negative Karmic Patterns: The Practice of Vajrasattva Yab Yum
Explore the effects of thoughts and emotions on physical health and interpersonal relationships.

How to be Self-Loving: The 1000-Armed Chenrezig Practice
How do we cultivate self-love (and love for others) when thoughts and feelings go up and down unpredictably?