Part 4 of Lama Lena’s magical teachings on Refuge, Bodhicitta, and Emptiness from the perspective of Dzogchen. Not to be…
Live From Amsterdam – Refuge, Bodhicitta, & Emptiness (Part 3)
by Sada Stavrumby Sada StavrumPart 3 in Lama Lena’s magnificent teachings on Refuge, Bodhicitta, and Emptiness from the perspective of Dzogchen. These teachings were…
Live From Amsterdam – Refuge, Bodhicitta, & Emptiness (Part 2)
by Sada Stavrumby Sada StavrumThis is Part 2 in Lama Lena’s magnificent four-part series on Refuge, Bodhicitta, and Emptiness from the perspective of Dzogchen.…
Live From Amsterdam – Refuge, Bodhicitta, & Emptiness (Part 1)
by Sada Stavrumby Sada StavrumPart 1 of Lama Lena’s teachings from Amsterdam on the topics of Refuge, Bodhicitta, and Emptiness from the perspectives of…
BodhicittaMeditation for BeginnersPublic TalksTranscribed Talks
Bodhicitta & The Meaning of the Bodhisattva Vows
In this talk, Lama Lena discusses the true meaning of Bodhicitta and what it means to take the Bodhisattva vows. …
Lama Lena gives instructions on the practice of Tonglen, a visualization-based meditation practice that is effective for breaking the “bubble”…
BodhicittaPublic TalksTantra & SadhanasTranscribed TalksTso Pema
The 1000-Armed Chenrezig Practice & Mantra
Lama Lena gives instructions on the visualization and mantra of 1000-Armed Chenrezig (aka Avalokiteshvara), a vivid and personal meditation practice…
BodhicittaChicagoEgo & The SelfPublic TalksRelationships, Sex, & GenderTantra & Sadhanas
How to be Self-Loving: The 1000-Armed Chenrezig Practice
How do we cultivate self-love (and love for others) when thoughts and feelings go up and down unpredictably?