The Extraordinary Ngöndro is a set of tantric practices. It involves working with the subconscious mind using symbols and specific movements that prepare you for working with a Yidam. Some teachers insist that the ngöndro be completed before attempting Dzogchen. Lama Lena does not insist they be done first, but they do help some people to actualize Dzogchen.
Lama Lena will be giving oral instructions on the Extraordinary Ngöndro via a series of Zoom retreats over the course of the next year (beginning in September, 2020).
This teaching should only be accessed if:
- You were present at the original teachings, OR
- You have the following pre-requisites…
Pre-Requisites for the Extraordinary Ngöndro Practice:
- You have received a teaching on the Ordinary Ngöndro (either live or from a book) and spent time contemplating it.
- You are willing to engage in the practice with serious interest and intent to follow through either with Lama Lena or another qualified Lama.
- You DO NOT need to commit to accomplishing a certain number (of prostrations, etc) but you must have the sincere wish to practice seriously over the course of several months
If you are ready to engage in the practice of extraordinary ngöndro as per Lama Lena’s instructions, the materials below are here to support your practice. Please check back often as video and audio will be uploaded as they become available.
For questions that arise over the course of the Ngöndro, please contact Lama Lena directly.
Pre-Requisite: Ordinary Ngöndro
The Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind form the foundation of Ngöndro, the preliminary practices, and the whole Vajrayana path. …
Session 1: Refuge & Prostrations
Teaching Audio/Video
This is the first teaching in the Extraordinary Ngöndro. Student’s are asked to commit to 3-months of practice (at whatever daily rate they can manage) before moving on to the next teaching.
Please note: For the privacy of participants, the video below is audio-only except for the section where Lama Lena demonstrates how to do a prostration.
This video is unlisted. Please do not share it on social media.
If you have questions about the practice, please email Lama Lena directly.
Q&A Session 1
This session was held one week after the first teaching for students to clarify any questions that came up in practice.
If you have questions, please email Lama Lena directly.
Refuge Trees
You can choose the refuge tree that resonates with you. They are low resolution and not suitable for printing. We’re working on finding high-res versions, but for now you can use them as reference for your visualizations. Save them to your device by right-clicking.
Kuntuzangpo (Samatabadra) – Primordial Buddha
Guru Rinpoche Lineage Tree
Lineage Tree of Yungdrung Bön
Session 2: Vajrasattva
Teaching Audio/Video
This is the second teaching in the Extraordinary Ngöndro. Student’s are asked to complete at least 3-months of practice of Session 1(at whatever daily rate they can manage) before moving on to this teaching.
This video is unlisted. Please do not share it on social media.
If you have questions about the practice, please email Lama Lena directly.
Traditionally, dharma teachings are offered free of charge and students offer a donation (dana) as they are able to. If you benefited from this teaching and have the means, please offer dana through the link here: